You : )
I create a master list every 6 months of things I want to share and that are important to me but I also want to make sure I am covering things you want to know so ask away : )
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I just love seeing all the different storage ideas you have, and the set-ups you have at your home. Love them!
I just came across your blog last night and have so far really enjoyed reading it. I am absolutely in awe of your Tupperware cupboard :D And have been inspired by the different storage ideas I have seen so far, am off to tackle my linen cupboard now ;-)
I like seeing the activities you do with Flynn. Anything child related is a hit with me :)
Jade, youre such a stylish woman! Your house is gorgeous. id love to see pics of Flynn's room (or his new big boy room!) to see how youve carried your sense of style and organisation to his space, and the thousands of 'thing' little ones accumulate!! (ie: how you store his clothes / shoes / knickknacks etc)
Yes I would like to see Flynn's room too, I am drowning in childrens "things"
Many Thanks
Hi, I've only recently joined the world of bloggers and share your passion for organisation. Through my blog I'm exploring re-creating a life after you've finished having babies and I'm really interested in how fellow mummies keep their energy level up to achieve what they do. Like you and your beautiful blog and wonderfully organised home. Do you have any tips on what you do to stay organised and balanced yourself? It's hard with small children to look after yourself and it sure takes organisation to achieve it!!!
Some more of the activities etc u do with Flynn
Also the photobooks and things u do are amazing ,
I love your blog Jade
I have to get my fix everyday
I love your blog Jade - please keep doing more of the same :)
I am interested in how you store different things. And techniques to keep things organised.
I would love to see a timetable of your daily activites. How do you fit in everything you do? Such a beautiful home and all your yummy cooking. Do you even keep a timetable as such or set goals each day of what you want to achieve, even if it is just cleaning or cooking?
Thank you so much for all of the great ideas : ) They have ALL been added to the master list and I promise I will get to all of them in the coming months.
oh Flynns room, I'll bet that is just gorgeous. I am loving the blog so just keep doing what you
I also love your storage ideas and am loving your tupperware pantry. sooo jealous :)
Thanks for a great read each day.
Hi Jade I just love love your blog I would love to know how do your keep on top of housework , do you have a schedule, eg shopping certian day, cleaning another. i would love to see how you store the rest of your tupperware. I love all your posts. Another thing is do you work a family budget, this is something I am concentrating on this year, do you have any good tips.
Woohoo! Just what I've been waiting for ;)
I too would love to see Flynn's room. Also your daily/weekly routines to keep on top. Also, how you manage when something interiors that routine (like last minute invites, illness etc We have two SN kids who, over winter end up at A&E often)
Also, tips on sorting and organising. Shelving and cabinets etc plus where you buy your purchases!
How you have time (and energy) for you while playing with your son and keeping a great home.
I also love your blog and am amazed at how much you seem to fit in one day, so would love to see what organising skills you use to do everything you do.
Also as everyone wants, I would love to see Flynn's room and the new nursery.
Hi Jade!
Congrats on how fab your blog is...I knew you'd become 'famous' way back when you only had a couple of followers :-) I still haven't officially made myself a follower as not a yahoo member, but will get onto it. Check out what you have written most days and you inspire me.
I would love to see anything scrapbooking related...pregnancy, baby, toddler, family stuff.
Hope you're keeping well and we'll def have to do the Swan Valley catch up sometime soon.
Amanda x
Hi Jade
Love your blog : ) I would love to see Flynn and the new bub's room. I would love to know how you organise the 'little' things - like what are the contents of all your lovely white boxes!
You are doing a great job - keep it up.
PS I'm hearing you on the morning sickness thing 14weeks and counting - your thread on being positive was a real boost. Thanks
I am so in love with your blog Jade...well done!
I would love to see more home organisation and storage tips and photos. Your house is so beautiful and I would love to see more of it. Craft storage and your scrap room would be great too.
Keep up the inspiring work :)
I too have been following this blog (not officially) every day since you started.
I would love more organizing tips and storage ideas, day planning, how you stay on top of everything, meal planning, activities to do when you don't have a backyard, cleaning tips and products, love your scrapbooking, would love some scrap storage and products. I honestly don't know how you fit in everything, I would love to learn all your secrets so I can be as organized as you are :)
Keep up the good work!
Another one who loves the blog Jade!
Would love to hear more about routines to stay on top of things at home, storage solutions, recipes for meal time etc.
I'm big on minimising effort for maximum benefit - i'm starting to come around to the theory to take the time to do things now as it saves time later.
I'd love to see how you have your office/study organised, how you keep track of bills, receipts, tax stuff etc
Love all organising and storage ideas :)
Loving the recipes and organisation ideas. My son is only 4 days older than Flynn (did you have him at SJOGS? We would have been there at the same time!) so some of the meal and activity ideas you have are great.
In fact, after seeing the pic of Flynn with his water play table, we bought one for Harry as his main Christmas present!
And if I can be a bit bold, I'd love to see a copy of your house plans. I know you and your husband put a lot of thought into building you family home so it would be great to see how it all came together.
Jodes...I actually wanted to ask about the house plans too...but I wasn't brave enough!!
You girls are too funny : ) Of course I can do house plans LOL
Hey Jade
I love your blog and get my fix every day at work (first thing I click on ;) I am a fulltime working mum with a two and a bit beautiful boy living in Perth.
I love I can empathise with you through many life experiences at this stage. I am forever endeavouring to run a smooth organised household (hubby is very helpful) - and feel I am accomplishing my goals. But as everything in life always room for improvement!
Thanks for sharing the 365 idea waiting for my kit can not wait to ge started!
Dont change a think really enjoying it!
Letisha x
Jade, your level of attention to detail is amazing. I dont know you fit it all in...!!!
One thing Id love to know is how you organise all the bits n pcs in your laundry! How do you store everything - bottles / sprays etc etc...
Keep up the great work - I always feel super lazy when I read your blog, but also inspired!
Hi Jade,
Love all the suggestions so far, maybe something on grocery shopping would be great, it's the thing I don't enjoy and am very unorganised in, routines that you have, and more pics of your beautiful house ;) I also love all the recipes you post, simple yet lovely.
Would love to know how you plan to juggle a newborn and a 2 year old. When you are feeding etc and just can't get to Flynn.
And when you need a rest will you have someone to take Flynn for a little bit? Being an older mum you will need your rest.
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