Storing Artwork
As a parent we get a lot of artwork home from 'school' (daycare) and so when I read through a book late last year that had artwork stuck into a scrapbook album I had a light bulb moment. What a great way to store and keep kids artwork in a place that is easy to access and that Flynn is able to look through. It has worked really well so far, I just pop the artwork into the album every time Flynn brings something home, or does something at home that I know I want to keep.
Every 6 months or so I get on and type out what the artwork is and when and where it was made. I cut these up into strips and adere them to the cardstock and then stick down the artwork (I crop it down if necessary).
I am thinking that this album will cover 2-3 years and I will probably end up with 3-4 of these albums that span Flynn's school years. I know that my artwork from when I was little was kept in a large cardboard folder and has been damaged over the years through moving houses. It is sitting in a cupboard somewhere and I have only pulled it out a few times as it is so hard to look at. I hope this solution will prevent this for Flynn.
Another great solution I saw was to scan in the artwork and resize it then print the images and scrapbook them onto a layout. This is a great way to include your kids artwork/ handwriting/ school projects in your scrapbooks.
My Cover Page-
Some of the inside pages-
If anyone has any other ideas they use for storing kids artwork I would love to hear from you!!
I love this 18-month old son is constantly bringing home artwork, too, and I've yet to come up with an idea to store it in an organized manner to keep it safe. This is perfect, thanks for the tip!!
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