Tantrum with your breakfast anyone????
Once he starts you know he is not going to stop for a good 20 mins. The good thing about him being in the high chair is that he was restrained (this time). I use the ignoring technique when this happens other than taking the odd funny happy snap- bad mummy LOL.

What do you do when your toddlers have a tantrum?
for my 18 mo- I ignore and then intervene when he then starts to hit his head or hit me
for my 3.5 yr old, when we can see the start of it we try and circumvent by getting her to spend time in her room by herself (I tell her that she needs to calm down and if she feels she needs to take it out, she should do it by herself). When she goes into a full blown one, we ignore but intervene when she goes into hysterics & completely forgotten the point of her tantrum, and have to remind her to calm down/breathe.
Not sure if we are managing the tantrums correctly, but this is what we are doing.
Thanks for sharing : )
Send them to Nanna's house !!
No tantrums with me, maybe getting out of the wrong side of the bed.
The absolute joy of being a Nanna is spending time with Grandchildren - tantrums and all.
Dr Phil had my favourite technique I used with #1 and #2. Accept the emotion and the reason they feel that way but don't accept the behaviour.
Eg, tantrum over not having the toy they want, "I know you are cross because you want the train but Kate had it first, you can have it when she's finished. Would you like to play with the doll while you are waiting?"
It gives them a chance to back down without losing face, you have told them you understand the problem but you have also not let them win because of the tantrum.
After that it the tantrum continues, they are ignored. Found it worked really well, especially with DD.
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