Pregnancy #2

So I thought I would share a bit of an update of pregnancy number 2 for me and how I am finding pregnancy second time around. Firstly I have come to one of two conclusions- I have forgotten how bad it was last time or it is a LOT harder second time around. Or maybe it is both? Anyway I have to say I am finding it extraordinarily hard this time around, I am sick again as I was with Flynn all day every day until I go to bed at night.
With my first pregnancy I worked part time, had a much smaller house and did not have anyone else to look after. I remember coming home from work and sleeping until dinner, eating dinner then going back to bed !!! Those were the days : ) Now I come home from work (which is now full time) and spend the next 4-5 hours running around after Flynn, cooking, cleaning, blogging, baking, crafting, reading stories, running baths and playing dinosaurs. Then Flynn goes to bed I am usually up for at least a few more hours getting ready for the next day and trying to fit in some relax time.
What is so much more amazing this time is watching Flynn get excited about the prospect of having a baby brother - it just literally melts my heart. He is such a cute boy and loves kissing and hugging baby brother/my tummy. He loves running around and getting things to share with baby brother : ) It is very sweet.
I was hoping this pregnancy would be different than my first in that I wouldn't be sick for as long but at nearly 16 weeks it is getting worse every single day, not nice. I am so grateful though to be growing a healthy baby who is already very active, we cannot wait to meet the next addition to our family. Anyway there is a little wrap up of how I am travelling.
And seen I have been asked it a million times already no this is not our last baby- yes we will be having more : )
You are an adorable pregnant woman! I was hoping I would hear it's easier the second time around. I am pregnant with our first at 24 weeks. I am struggling! I don't get sick anymore, but now I am dealing with heartburn and acid reflux! It never ends, but I KNOW it will be SO SO worth it in the end! Best of luck:)
Hi Jade,
Sorry to hear you are sick still, with both of mine I was sick up until at least 6 months of pregnancy, I hope you start feeling better soon, and that pic of you is lovely, you look adoreble with darker hair. And you are brave women to be wanting more babies, at the moment 2 is enough for me, and I get comments about how I am not even 30 so I still have time for more lol !!
:) M xx
You may feel like shite, but you look fantastic! 2nd time around is harder in a way (although I was so lucky I don't get sick, I just get really fat!). Harder because you have a toddler to run around after, easier because some days you are too busy to even think about being pregnant!
Once he arrives, it's DEFINITELY easier 2nd time around. Much more relaxed, and you know all the dos and don'ts.
Sorry realised what I said, not to mean that you are old or even 30!! LOL
Hi Jade, I am from EB (gimmeguitars) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog :)
I have two kiddies and life is so much sweeter (and busier) now but loving every minute. They drive you mad at times but seriously there is no better "job".
I've been baking like mad this week. Probably about 100 odd muffins and cupcakes, rumballs, fairy bread, honey joys.
Bought a book today called something along the lines of "how to unspoil your children" by Cheryl Critchley. She writes for the Sunday Herald Sun here in Melbourne. I am on the lookout for that freezer book you mentioned in an earlier blog, frost bite I think it was called? been to a few different stores and no one has it- where did you get yours? one place offered to order it in but there is 3 different versions apparently?? thanks if you can help.
You need your own magazine LMAO!!! go mrs australia martha s- lol.
take time to enjoy what you can in your 2nd pregancy, I miss being pregnant even though I had gestational diabetes and had to have insulin 4 times a day (don't miss that at all!!!) it's such a special time..... (cluck cluck cluck) LOL!!
Love Chris Xx
You look great Jade , Bummer about feelling sick I was blessed with my 3 not to get sick but i do remember the tiredness. I hope the sickness subsides soon.
Jade, you might be feeling horrid, but you look amazing!
I really hope the MS leaves soon, I only had a short time with it with my second son, so cannot really undertand, it must be aweful though : (
Another who you're making clucky talking about #3+!!
Hope you're feeling better soon. Thanks for a great blog, even when you're so busy and unwell.
I am so overwhelmed by all of your lovely and sweet comments thank you so much : ) It has made my very sick day LOL
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