My diary/organizer system.
I have had a few people contact me regarding my diary system as is it getting closer to that time of the year when we all start to purchase new organizers and think about how we want to start off the new year !!! I have tried every system/organizer/diary on the market from electronic to paper to calenders etc and none of them have worked- I have always only ever used them for a few months and then I would completely fall of the band wagon and end up buying several things throughout the year.
That was until I bough the memory dock organizer swoon : ) There are so many things I love about this organizer that I could seriously go on and on !!! But what I will do is just list a few things that I LOVE about it.
-The size, it is a really great size for writing in and adding in notes and papers. It is about A5 size.
-It comes in some great colours
-The refills are sooooo pretty. I love writing in such pretty pages it makes for such a happy day.
-The pockets at the back and front are really handy
-There are some really great extra refills you can get like note pages and grocery list refills.
I have been using it for about 2 years now and I bought 3 more years worth of refill pages at the start of the year when they were on sale for half price. One of the other things I have started to do with this diary is when I get an invite for something I staple it into the day of the event so that I don't forget to go !!! I go through my diary every Sunday and write in anything I can remember.
There are a few places to buy these online if you google, here is one of the sites I have used in the past-
The front cover- I love that you can change the photos over whenever you like-
The front inside cover, the pockets are great for popping stuff like doctors notes, prescriptions etc. There is also a pocket at the back for stuff as well.
On the left is a standard day page- I love having a page per day as I can plan my day out per hour. The left hand side is for extra notes and reminders. The left hand side is one of the grocery list inserts you can purchase. I use these normally once a week and that way I can add to it throughout the week and then take it with me when I go shopping. 
Do you transfer the details to a calender? I love my mobile phone organiser and can sync it with outlook. My main problem is letting my husband know where and when we need to be somewhere, especially on the days he's home on his own with the kids. He's missed a couple of parties and gone to the wrong sport once too.
Jade, thankyou so much for that post, it is such a motivation to write on pretty pages, I will have to look into purchasing my new diary soon :) Thanks M xx
Wow love the diary...also might look into getting one as well =) your blog...
Love this! I seem to juggle a calendar and two notebooks throughout the year and then have to flip through countless pages to find what i want/need. I was born a list-maker and I see one of these coming under my Christmas tree this year for me!
Hi Jade - are these pages dated or do you have to fill in the dates as you go?
They are undated so you can just fill them out as you go : )
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