Car organization

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I really felt like a snack the other night just before dinner and so whilst the pasta was cooking I put these together, they were really quick and easy and yummy to !!! My kind of recipe : )
I am off enjoying the sunshine and this gorgeous boy, hope you are having a happy weekend : )
Mmm these are such a yummy picnic food and are so easy to put together.
Ok so now you have your lists done and your packing !! It's the night before you leave and there are always going to be those things you cannot pack until the absolute last minute- your toothbrush, phone charges, kids snuggly toys, water bottles etc. And so what I like to do the night beofre is as I think of these things I pop them down on a post it note stuck onto the family table. I generally section this per person and also household stuff that needs to be done on the morning of.
Mmm you know those moments when you find your toddler has done something naughty, but unfortunately at that moment they also happen to look so cute doing it you just can't tell them off and you actually have to stifen laughter? Well Sunday was like that for me, Flynn decided in his toddler wisdom that he did not want to have a nap at all on this day. He usually sleeps for up to 3 1/2 hours so this was highly unusual for him. The first time I went in there he had completely trashed his room-
You know when they just don't want to have their photo taken? Well we tried to get a few nice photos for Fathers day over the weekend but Flynn was just not in the mood. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!! Loving the daisies though- they are such a great back drop !!
I have tried various "systems" throughout the years to control and organize the daily papers that need to be actioned in our household. I am yet to find a system that works at home, but I am waiting to conquer that once we have redone our office in December. But for the stuff you need to carry around with you I have come up with a system that I thought I would share that has been working for our family.
Remember my post a few weeks ago about that field behind our house? Well about 3 days after I took that photo all of the flowers started popping open!!! (I am so glad I snapped that shot when I did) Nothing says spring like a field full of these gorgeous things-
To my wonderful husband Simon, the father of our child Flynn- we hope you have a fabulous day getting spoilt and waited on all day : ) You are a great dad and continue to grow in strength to strength every year and Flynn just adores you !
Over the weekend we went to the Tulip park. It was a great day and we were so grateful to finally get there after a few weeks of having to postpone due to bad weather. I loved being able to snap some flower photos but Flynn was not so obliging to having his photo taken !!